Passenger Ferry Fares
No need to book the ferry, passengers can buy tickets on board with Eftpos facilities available.
Vehicular Barge Fares
Available for passenger vehicles, trailers, boats, trucks, motorbikes. Prior bookings are essential.
Commercial Charters
Commercial and Private Barge or Ferry Charters available from Brisbane to Gold Coast
Plan Your Trip to Coochiemudlo Island
Travel by Ferry

No Pre-Booking Required
Pay onboard by EFTPOS
Concession Fares
Only for Valid and Approved Concession Cards
Single, Return or Multi-Trip Tickets
Passenger can decide to purchase a single, return or discounted 10 trip multi-ticket
Board the Barge

Wednesday Shopper Special
Same-day return only $45 per vehicle (Coochie permanent residents only).
Weekend Residents Special
Travel to Coochie on Friday, return Monday only $50 per vehicle (Coochie permanent residents only)
Our Services
Amity Trader is the dedicated transport provider for Coochiemudlo Island. We also offer marine logistics for commercial projects and charters.
We have been operating in the Brisbane, Moreton Bay, Bay Island and Coochiemudlo Island areas since 2008.
From delivering houses to the Bay Islands or assisting in commercial or large civil projects, Amity Trader staff have plenty of experience in difficult terrain. With a diverse fleet, machinery and skills we provide solutions for even tricky jobs.